"11. Dark Vileplume - Use Devolution Spray( Hey, it DOES have a use!) to
play Trainers, then evolve
back to stop The Trainer Flow. "

Dark Vileplume
Type:  Stage 2 Grass Pokemon (Evolves from Evil Gloom)
LV.29     HP 60
[Pokemon Power]  Hay Fever
  Effect:  No Trainer cards can be played.  This power stops working
while Dark Vileplume is Asleep, Confused or Paralyzed.
GGG:   Flower Whirlpool:   30x
  Effect:  Flip 3 coins.  This attack does 30 damage times
    the number of heads.  If you flip 2 or more heads in this way,
    this Pokemon is now Confused.
-CC       Retreat
R         Weakness

How can you play Devolution Spray if you can't play trainers?
I think you better read the card first.

And another thing, what about Fossil Magmar? Or MP Mewtwo?
And Brock's Zubat Stinks!
