Let me get this across now:


They are over-powering the game too much. Every tourny deck I look at on Pojo
has at least 1 Scyther in it. It is horrible. For people who don't know what
a Scyther is,


L  Swords Dance
On the next turn, the base damage from Scyther's Slash attack will be doubled

CCC Slash

Weakness-F               Resistince-FT                  Retreat Cost-0

I have to say, it's not a very bad card. WHat I really hate about it is that
it is really domonating decks and soon, the TCG will be called Scythermon. I
keep the only Scyther I have in my binder, maybe useful to get some Big Buck$
in the future, but I will never REPEAT never use it in a deck. Consider this
a Scyther boycott!!

Olenbabushka-<A HREF="Peterworks@aol.com">Peterworks@aol.com</A>