the Pokemon TCG is way too broken. Here are my views on what cards should
be banned and restricted

Wiggly- WAY TOO BROKEN! Wiggly has the power to do 60 on turn two. This may
shorten the game and make the game less fun.

Rocket's Zapdos- Some may disagree with me on this one. Rocket's Zapdos is
also way too broken. The power to get energy from the dicard pile with Plasma
and at the same time do 20 damage is very broken. Electroburn isn't all that
broken in my opinion. It does 70 damage and at the same time doing either 30
or 40 damage to Zapdos itself.

rocket's mewtwo- some people think this card isn't really powerful,but it is!
This card will kill Mime decks because of Juxtapose. Juxtapose puts damage
counters on the defending pokemon it doesn't do damage. Psyburn  or what ever
it's called does 60 for 4 energy and It's middle attack (Hypnoblast?) does 20
damage and auto sleep for 2 energy. BROKEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Blastoise- This card made Rain Dance what it is today, BROKEN!!!. Banning
this card will get rid of the powerful raindance decks, I know people will
disagree with me here.

Prof. Oak: Limit 2 Per Deck
SER: limit 2 per deck
ER: limit 2 Per Deck
No first turn hand disrpution- (RSA,TRT, IOR, Imposter Prof. Oak, Psyduck's
RSA, TRT, IOR- 3 each per deck
Scyther- 2 per deck
Electabuzz- 2 per deck
Hitmo' 2 per deck
MP Mewtwo-2 per deck
CPU Search- 2 per deck
Fossil Mags- 2Per deck

I will accept disagreements, decks to be fixed, or combos you want me to
or a nickname idea for my Rapidash.