Hello everybody! It's SMitty aka Erik again. Oh my Rapidash is feeling so
left out without a nickname. Can anyone please help my Rapidash by giving me
a nickname IDEA for it? oh, now back to the Combo Show. Today my assistant
and my Rapidash will look at the combo Dodrio, Dark Muk, and The Rocket's
Training Gym.

Rob: Hello everyone. This combo, Dark Muk, Rocket's Training Gym (Rtg) and
Dodrio can be a killer combo in some situations.
Rapidash: Here's one scenario.
You are playing your friend Shanna. She is using a Status Effect Snorlax/
Drowzee/Dark Gloom deck. You are using a deck based around this combo. She
smacks down a Snorlax as her active. You have Rocket's Training gym, Dark Muk
(active), and Dodrio (on bench). She has no switch's in her deck. She had
four energy on Snorlax. Ready to retreat to knock you out with Scyther. but
then, she realizes she now has to pay SEVEN colorless energy to retreat her
beloved Snorlax. but there is more, if you need to retreat everything is
normal. BECAUSE OF DODRIO! Ahha!
Rob: See so this combo can be deadly! I see decks popping up everywhere using
this combo. Rapidash and I like to call this combo- THE WRECKING BALL TRAP!
Rapidash: That concludes today's episode of the COMBO Show.

Email me at Esmitty81@aol.com or instant message me at Esmitty81.
I run my own deck garage so if you have a deck for me to review please send
it to me. Also, If you have a nickname idea for Rapidash PLEASE help me out
here. And if you have a combo you would like me to discuss please send it to
me. Tell me how the combo works. After talking about the combo I will
recongize your name. Please tell me what you want me to call you and your
email address in your message.