Pojo, this is my first card strategy, so can you post it????

This card strategy is about the king of all Ghost Pokemon............GENGAR!!!!
Gengar, in my opinion, is one of the best psi pokemon cards out there.....it saved me from decking, once!!!!!!Here's what happened:
I had a Movie Promo Mewtwo as my active, and a Dratini, Gengar, and a Blaine's Moltres on my bench.There was only 1 card left in my deck, and even had 1 prize remaining, and I though I would lose to my mom, who had a Kangaskhan active, a badly damaged Mr. Mime, a Persian, and a Pikachu on her bench.I thought that I was toast, because I was close to decking myself.Then, my eyes lit up.I found a way to win!!!!If Gengar is in play, then I can use its Pokemon Power!!!I used its Pokemon Power, Curse, to move a damage counter from Kangaskhan to Mr. Mime, which knocks it out, and I draw my last prize to win!!!!!!!Now, let's look at the stats:
               Gengar           80 HP Psychic
               evolves from Haunter
           Pokemon Power:Curse
    Once during your turn(before your attack)you may move one damage counter from 1 of your opponent's Pokemon to another(even if it knocks out the other Pokemon).This power can't be used if Gengar is Asleep, Confused, or Paralyzed.

(3 P energy)Dark Mind               30
         Choose 1 of your opponent's benched Pokemon.This attack does 10 damage to it(Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokemon)

That is one great card!!!If you want to send me mail, hate mail, or anything else, send them to Reggie45 at Moltres@snet.net.