Okay, this is MY list of the best of
1. Electabuzz
Good first attack, awesome second attack(40 for LC? ) good hp makes him a
staple in any haymaker, sponge or electric deck.
2. Mewtwo(Promo 3 and 14)
Same hp and retreat cost of most haymkaer pokemon, energy retrieving
first move that lets you power up for his second great move. He is also
great with the new trainer from gH, energy flow. Absorb energy, then put
it straight back into your hand.
I would actually get hatemail for this, but as for why, I don't know.
He's just plain great. Free retreat, attack that fits in any deck, 70 hp,
resistance to fighting. People must hate 'em since he beats their poor
aerodactyls soooo bad.
4. Ditto
3 words. Double Colorless Energy. He can copy and power up so fast it'll
make your eyes spin. He is weak to gust of win and ER and SEr, so use
plenty of lass and RSA to defend him.
I still only see one or two weaknesses in him. Fist of all psychic,
second of all, he has probably the most commonly resisted type. But he's
still fast and CAN make it over the resistance barrier.
6.Lv. 28 Lt. Surge's Electabuzz.
Charge is like a singular energy absorption, and it's the perfect
complement for discharge. You can do a potential 120 damage turn two, but
it'll usually be about 60. Proabaly my fav gym basic.
7. Magmar
Very nice for abit of scyther smogging or stalling. A cheap retreat cost
is good, since you can smog a coupla, then retreat, and if you have to,
8. Moltres
Divebomb is to expensive for what it actually does. (an average of 40 per
turn), but wildfire is awesome. Most stalls are slow, since you are
forced to wait and wait, but with wildfire, you discard cards from their
deck, speeding up the process. And No weakness is never bad.
9. Chansey
120 Hp and a restreat cost of one!? Pretty Darn Good. Of ocurse, ko'ing
any hay maker pokemon in one shot isn't too shabby either. And the handy
resistance to psychic makes this one ocme in at number 9.
80 hp and a rerteat cost of two is okay, as is confusion. But 3 W energy
for 30 dmage isn't the best. But it is good for those pesky mimes. It
owuld have ranked higher, but water gun usn't very good.
Well, that's it. I'll probably do the 15 or 20 best trainers(there's so
many good ones!), 5 best stage 2s, and 10 best stage 1s.
Nate P. Gamer: snorlaxrest@juno.com

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