Alrighty, I don't really like to reply to articles, but I felt like I should be one of the many who will, inevitably, send in replies to this, "Good/Bad Pokemon."  I think I'll just paste what was written, followed by me own take.  That work?  I hope so, cause I can't hear your answering screams through my computer.

Now I've really wanted to say this, so I will. Yes, Scyther is a good (maybe
even a great) card, but he doesn't need to be in every deck. In fact, I think
it's sad if you think so. (no offence meant to anyone)

    Okay, considering the fact that so much Anti Scyther stuff has been posted on the Strategies as of late, I must say that I'm pleased to hear from someone who, at least, thinks Scyther is "good (maybe even great)."

My Haymakers
Jigglypuff- I have yet to hear anyone say a thing about it. I mean 60 hp, and
20 dp for CC, FOR A PUFFBALL LIKE THAT????? Come on that ain't bad for a
basic pokemon

    I'm still agree'n, but I wouldn't really consider Jigglypuff a Haymaker.  He is a nice basic, though.

Geodude- I know that his attack might do no damage, but if you actually flip
a heads enough times, he CAN (not will) kill a Charizard. Even though
Charizard resist fighting. Yea, I know posibilityis verrrrrrrrrry slim
that that would happen

    You may not know it yet, but later in your article, you condemn another card for the same reason you praise Geodude.  First, I doubt that one would get 12 heads in a row.  But wait, I forgot about that silly resistance of Charizard's, so that makes it fifteen.  FIFTEEN!!!  You have a fifty / fifty of even getting 10! I'd like to find the chances of getting fifteen in a row for you, but I don't feel like it.  I'll wager they're not very likely, though.  However, you do acknowledge that it is a very (with multiple "r"s) slim chance, but if doing sizable damage is that much trouble, why not use something else, instead?

Rattata (base)- Sort of. Damage wise, yes 20 dp fo C (better than
Jigglypuff.). Hp? NO WAY! No matter what, 30 hp sucks!

    A Haymaker is a Basic Pokémon with high HP, and the ability to do a high amount of damage with little energy, or very quickly.  Rattata is a basic.  Twenty damage for one colorless is great.  But, silly person that I am, I wouldn't count Thirty Hit Points as "high."  Keep in mind that most "real" Haymakers do Thirty plus damage easily.  Poor Rattata is knocked out before his amazing attack hits.  *sniff*  You may disagree, but I think that Rocket's Rattata is a better bet (for evolution, that is).

Staryu (base) - Definetly. 40 hp isnt that good, or that bad, plus 20 damage
for W rules!

    Staryu, eh?  I still wouldn't call it a Haymaker, but whatever.  It does possess the mighty "20-for-1" attack, doesn't it?  I know you're try'n to bring up some overlooked Haymakers here, but Hitmonchan could replace both Rattata and Staryu, assuming that the only reason you selected them is their crazy ability to take one energy and turn it into an exploding dynamo of... Twenty Damage.  Hitmonchan has a lot more HP than these guys, too, so it can keep attacking for awhile longer than Rattata and Staryu, not to mention that a few more energies can grant you Forty Damage.  That said, Hitmonchan isn't colorless, won't fit into a mono-water deck, and has a retreat cost of two.  Even so, if you want a Haymaker that can run on any color energy, or one that can run off of Water Energy, Scyther and Lapras should fit much nicer.

Nidoran Male- 40 hp is good/bad... 30 damage for G (that rocks.)

    Well, if Forty made Staryu good, I guess it works for Male Nidoran.  If I were you though, I'd use my Nidorans to (eventually) get Nidoking out, and Toxic and Thrash until my heart's content.  Consider this, if you will:  You have a fifty / fifty of getting that Thirty.  Scyther (with a grass energy and Double Colorless Energy) could do Sixty on turn two, the same as if Nidoran had gotten his coin flip twice.  Of course, a Grass Energy and a Nidoran are easier to get in your hand then a Scyther, Double Colorless, and Grass Energies, but it's neat to think about...

(note: I tried not to include already established haymakers)

    Do not worry, my friend, you did succeed in accomplishing this goal.

Bad Cards
Here is a top ten list of what I think are the worst cards.

10) Diglett (base)- I may just be saying this because I hate Digletts (which
I do), but they just dont make a good card...

    I'm not a Diglett fan either (although they are kinda cute).  I guess if you can't do Twenty for one, you're just a loser, despite the fact that some of the best "Haymakers" have Thirty and Forty Hit Points.  Diglett was almost as good a Rattata, but it just didn't quite make it.

9) Koffing (base)-9) Koffing (base)- Come on, your kidding, right? two
energys (grass) two just do TEN damage?! When will the madness end??

    First of all, silly, you repeated yourself.  Second, Base Koffing is one of the best Grass Basics, and if you promise to come out from under your rock, I'll tell you why...  Ready?  Okay, here goes:  Confusion isn't fun (if it's happening to you, of course).  Neither is Poison.  Ever had both at the same time?  Makes you wish you had not have believed that article on Cards That Don't Belong in Psychic Decks, and put in some Switch (this is assuming you use a Psychic deck, and that you are actually dumb enough to believe that article).  Koffing can do both,one after another.  You see, the neat thing about Poison is that you can have any other ailment, too, and still be losing that Ten HP after every attack.  Then, Koffing may be evolved into Dark Weezing for even more fun.

8) Drowzee (base)- Pound isnt that bad of an atack, but confuse ray is...
Hey, he's just like a psycic koffing, except that you might confuse the def.
Pokemon. BIG WHOOP!

    Yeah, Base Drowzee just isn't very cool, but I think Confuse Ray beats Pound.

7) Lapras (?!)- I know what your thinking, you think that I'm an idiot for
saying this, but I'm staying with that. His atacks:
Water Gun- (for one water energy) "Does 10 damage plus 10 more damage for
each WE attached to Lapras but not used to pay for the atack. You cannot add
more than 20 damage this way.
Confuse ray- ... its the usual so I'M NOT LISTING IT!

    Hmmm... News to me.  The card that saved Raindance from Mr. Mime, and, with Articuno, made the archetype run much smoother (needing less evolution) is lame?  And how is a maximum of Thirty damage bad?  Another question; what do you have against Confusion?  Do you live in some mystical world where Confusion and other Status effects don't count?  Maybe you just don't read the attack description, I dunno, but Confusion is great.  You also cut down Koffing because "two
energys (grass) two just do TEN damage?!"  Ten Damage, AND a guaranteed Confusion or Poison.  I just don't know.

6) Moltres- I know you think i'm picking the flaws out of the best pokemon
out there, but I'm not. Yea70 hp is great, and so is 80 ap, but it may not

    Moltres has entire decks built around it.  Wildfire gave Stall players a way to a quicker game (a little quicker, anyhow).  But, the possible Thirty for one Grass that made Nidoran great follows the same principle that kill Moltres.  The irony!!!  Yeah, Thirty for one Grass is a bit different from Eighty for four Fire, but the principle remains the same.  Nidoran was cool because it COULD work, and Moltres isn't because it MIGHT NOT work.

5) Raichu (fossil)- ONLY 30 DAMAGE FOR FOUR ENERGYS IS A RIP OFF!!!!!!!!
(note: this not including bench damage)

    Well, my deck is built around that little electrified rat.  A Stage One with Ninety HP.  Sure, Gigashock is pretty expensive, but a good Pikachu (there are plenty) can sit on the Bench and get that required Energy, and then evolve (allow us assume the opponent has no Gust of Wind(s) in his / her hand, or my Pika-Pal would fry).  If you get energy taken off, the retreat cost is one, so it could return to the Bench with little trouble, should problems arise.  Four energy for a net of Sixty Damage a rip off!?  Whatever.

4) Caterpie- Oh wow, I might paralize the def. pokemon. Geez.

    If only Caterpie could do Twenty Damage for one Grass, instead of some stupid Status effect, it would be a great Hayrmaker, rivaled only by the likes of Rattata and Staryu.  One can only dream.

3) Abra (base)- no comment...

    Alakazam and Dark Alakazam can come from this basic, but it's no good, so I guess we should forget the entire line, eh?  If Rocket isn't out where you live, it's your only ticket to Alakazam.

2) Dratini (rocket)- again, no comment...

    Which Dratini is best?  I, personally, like the Base Dratini, but both are, well, less than great.  Even so, Dragonair and it's Dark version are worth it.

(fanfare plays)
And the worst card ever is......!
1) PORYGON!- converson 1 & 2??? Give me a break!

    Many people would finish this by pointing out Porygon's strong points, but, truth be told, I'm tired of typing, so I'll just say, "If you're a Porygon fan, try Rocket's version, or maybe the "Cool" one."

thank you for reading my article,

    Thanks for reading, and a good day to you!


XP-C39˛, and his silly Onix, Idiom