*ding ding*

Sorry Satoshi, I couldn't resist. :) Anyhow, Today I'm going to tell you
about a card that is soon to be the center of a new archetype. (IMHO) Dark
Muk. Let's take a look at this guy and then apply some strategy!

Dark Muk 60 HP- Not to bad and it's Pokemon Power alone makes up for this.

Pokemon Power-Sticky Goo-As long as Dark Muk is active, your opponents
defending Pokemon is forced to pay two more energy. Unless you have a Dodrio
helping out on your bench, the least ammount your opponent is going to pay
for retreating is two! Imagine the almighty Scyther up to his neck in damage
and instead of bailing out for free, it has to discard that energy or as I
like to call it: Be Stuk in da Muk (hence the name of my deck is born!)

GG Sludge Punch- 20 damage and 10 in poison each turn! That will be about 40
damage per round. Let's see a Haymaker try to get out of this one!

Now that we have a great Pokemon, let's see how we can protect it and make
it even better.

"Hahaha Lobo you forget that Haymakers use Promo Mewtwo's and Psyburn is
gonna give your Muk a one way trip to the bench! MUHAHAHAH"

This is a problem. The best thing I know to combat that Mewtwo is a good
Colorless Pokemon with good HP and resistance to Psy. And everyone knows who
comes to mind. (FOR THOSE STILL THINKING ABOUT IT IT's CHANCEY!) I know that
this isn't completly foolproof, however it's the best thing I can think of.

Combo Dark Muk+ Scyther- Use Scyther to stall and get you a few K.O.'s until
Muk is powered up and ready to go.

Combo Dark Muk+ Energy Removal or SER - Can you say totaly helpless? First
of all the power will be in affect so they will have a time retreating, then
take all energy away and they can neither retreat or attack. Poison will
start to kill them and before they can power back up, BOOM.

Dark Muk+ Some air freshener! (Just Kidding!)

Well that's about it! I really hope that Satoshi won't kill me for using his

Have fun and be original!

Danny Simpkins-Lobo dannysimpkins@hotmail.com