Here is a deck I built a little while back, that I have been playing at various leagues around the city I live in. Its been doing great <29 odd wins I think?> though it does have trouble with some archetypes. I'm also not sure if it falls INTO an archetype.. if it does, please mail me and lemme know ;)
Basically, the deck revolves around Dark Muk. Dark Muk is Beautiful and Good. Pokemon power, attack power.. worship it! ;) It also revolves around getting at least two into play <just in case of those pesky psychic attacks ;)>
Here's the list, then I'll strategize it :)
* 3 Dark Muk
* 4 TR Grimer
* 3 dratine <any type>
* 3 dark dragonair
* 1 dark dragonite
* 2 Kangaskhans
* 2 Base1 Koffings
* 2 dodous
* 2 dodrios
4 double colourless
2 potion energy
2 fullheal energy
14 grass energy
2 bills
2 professor oak
2 boss's way
2 nightly garbage run
4 potion
1 item finder
3 energy removal
You'll want to get a dratini and a grimer into play as quick as you can.. if you pull up a boss's way, use it to grab dark dragonair, not dark muk.. you can use the dark dragonair to grab the dark muk, dark dragonite and dodrios very easily. The 2 dodrios are important to part of the strategy: bench then unless you ahve no other choice, and use their pokemon power.. allowing darkmuk to retreat for FREE is a wonderfull thing. Heck, with 2 dodrios in play, you can retreat khangaskhan for only C, while keeping dark muk active makes it much more difficult for your opponent to retreat in turn.  i only ever use dark dragonite to refill my bench. I consider it a perfect play if i have a dark muk active, a dark muk on the bench, 2 dodrios and 2 dark dragonairs <or 1 dark dragonair and 1 dark dragonite>.. the khangeskhans are mainly there to deal with psychic decks or to stall while using Fetch to get the cards I need. :) also, I like to disrupt with this deck as well, through the energy removals. a not-uncommon strategy for me is to ER, item find to get it back <discard 2 energys or an extra pokemon> then ER again, then nightly garbage run to get those discarded cards back. NGR is BEAUTIFULL since I usually end up coming close to deck'ing myself. :)
I recently came up against a damage swap deck, and lost bigtime.. it made me think about the strategys a bit, and made a few minor changes:
removed the 4 potions, 2 koffings, the dodou and dodrios, and added in 3 switch, 3 gust of wind, 3 computer search and another nightly garbage run. havnt had a chance to test this deck out, but plan to at the Gym Heros prerelease tourny on saturday ;)
anyways, look forward to hearing frmo.. well, anyone. I hope. email me at :)