Okay, I am here today to talk about one of my favorite cards from gym hereos.
Which one? Lt. Surge Fearow. This card is simply awesome. Here is what it

Name:           Lt. Surge's Fearow
Color:              Colorless
HP:                 70 HP
Weakness:   L
Resistance:     F -30
Retreat:            none
Attack:             [2]  Repeating Drill  (10x)
                    Flip 5 coins.  This attack does 10 damage times the
number of
Attack:             [3]  Clutch  (30)
                    The Defending Pokemon can't retreat during your
opponent's next

Now you look at this card and say "What is he talking about!" But this card
is very cheap in energy cost. For 2 colorless energy you can do up to fifty
(not like that will ever happen). But the average damage you can do is about
30. For only 2 colorless! Then you have clutch which is a very underrated
attack. If the defending pokemon can't retreat it puts him in a tough
situation. And 30 damage for 3 colorless is pretty good! Think about it: he
retreats for free, he has resistance to fighting by 30, he can pour on the
damage, and he can screw up your opponents game plan by making them not able
to retreat. You know how people try to keep there Squirtle's out of harms way
until they get a breeder and a Blastoise? And every time you use Gust of Wind
they retreat! Well not anymore. On the second turn you can have Fearow pumped
for all of his moves. Gust in Squirtle and clutch! 30 and next turn they will
be koed. These aren't the best examples but he is very useful.
Combos: Gust of Wind and Fearow: Gust em in and then they can't retreat with
Ericka Victreebell and Fearow: use Fragrance trap to get em in and then
clutch them to death.
Energy removal and Super Energy removal with Fearow: Clutch em and make sure
they can't even attack OR use energy removal or super energy removal then
attack with repeating drill (the energy removals and super energy removals
make sure the defending pokemon can't attack you!)
So as you can see Lt. Surge Fearow is very good in disrupting decks as he can
make sure your opponent can't retreat when he wants to. Also he can kill
Scyther very easy check this out: Lt. Surge Spearow has a move for 2
colorless for 40 flip a coin if tails this attack does nothing. First turn:
play dce and flip heads for 40. Nest turn play and energy evolve clutch for
ko. Scyther is dead on the second turn of the game, before he can even get
damage on you! Same thing with hitmonchan, movie mewtwo, electabuzz can do 20
to you and try to paralyze but when you evolve it goes away anyway.
Please post this Pojo I spent a long time writing it.
Comments send me email at Nooch525@aol.com