On August 18, Tuna~Bomber posted a sort of rant against Hasbro (which owns Wizards of the Coast), believing that "if we stop buying American booster packs for 1-2 months, Hasbro's earnings will drop substantially, causing them to think that Pokemon is dying down" It's a cute idea, I suppose, but Hasbro is a big enough company that I doubt something so minor as a short boycott of their cards will faze them. And seriously, neither Hasbro nor Wizards will be seriously hurt by any temporary boycott of the American Boosters. The businesses which sell the boosters, however, WILL be hurt!

A large enough petition might draw the attention of someone high enough in the company to do something about the misprints, but as most of the typos don't seriously effect gameplay (except the "poison gas" which paralyzes and Dark Vileplume's weakness) it's not really worth their effort to get the typos fixed!

Rainy the Furry Blue Mock-Dragon