There is nothing like playing one of those annoying stall decks, but I found
a card worth mentoining for use in a stall Damage Swap deck... Erika's
Clefable... ok we all know what the idea of the stall deck is, and how it
works, but for those  that dont, use Alakazam's Power, Damage Swap and move
all damage to Chansey or other high hit point basic Pokemon, then play
Pokecenter, or Scoop Up potoins and super potoins to remove the damage from
Chansey, well Erika's Clefable is here to help...

Its first attack is great for this deck, especially if that annoying Dark
Vileplume is in play (No Trainers may be played!).. E Clefable's first attack
is Fairy Power, it cost 1 colorless energy, and staits.. Flip a Coin. If
heads return any number of your Pokemon in play and all cards attached to
them to your hand.

Thats like playing two scoop ups at once if you have two Chanseys with
damage, and are lucky enough to flip heads, though I admit it is a bit steep
in affectiveness, 50%, and it will take up at least 5 card slots or so (E
Clefairy and the evolved E Clefable, It can be a real life saver against
those Dark Vileplume decks (yes I know not many play them, but I do

sincerely Mitch