Dear Pojo,

There has been a lot of fuss going on around my
neighborhood about the new archetype called trapper.
Using Electabuzz, TR Zapdos, and scyther along with TR
trap and IOR and RSA, the trapper is almost an
invincible deck. However, there IS a way to defeat the
almighty trapper and that is the forgotten archetype,
Alakazam+Chansey stall. This stall can be improved to
add erika's dratini and clefable to the mix. The
trapper is meant to reduce your hand to zero while
attacking with Electabuzz and Zapdos. Imagine this
senario. Due to the lack of basics, your opponent only
has an electabuzz as his active. You bench 2 chanseys,
a kangaskan and an abra. They get TR trap adn reduce
your hand to zero. You draw a energy and start
fetching. Eventually, by turn 6 or 7 , you'll have and
alakazam and they will have 3 more prizes to go. Due
to all the card drawing, you should win pretty easily
without taking forever. Stall is BACK!!!
