Okay, I'm going to break from my usual writing style to just comment on Hasbro.
I totally agree with "Tuna Bomber" on the article entitled, "Wizards Bashing".
I realized after reading the article that I had heard Hasbro bought Wizards. So, I have a few points to add:
1.) Notice that all the American exclusive cards come out after Hasbro bought Wizards. Base Set 2 and Dark Raichu only came out after the purchase. Sure, Dark Raichu's in Neo 2 now, but who cares!? It was still an American exclusive for a while.
2.) What's up with Hasbro changing the rarity of cards? I mean, Misty's Goldeen and Tentacool, RARE?! Brock's Zubat, RARE?! I can GUARANTEE that the only reason that those were made rare is that little kids trying to "Catch 'em all" will spend tons of cash on getting the hard to find rares.
3.) In the Gym Leaders Expansion in Japan, the Brock, Misty, etc... cards that came in the decks were the holofoil version, with the leader showing his or her badge. Makes, sense, right? That's their Gym, they show their badge.
Does that happen in the American version? No! They give the non-holo version in each deck. There's no way they would give two holos in one deck! I'm surprised they even put in two rares!
4.) Controversial Cards. Now, come on people.
    a. Misty's Tears.    MISTY IS NOT NAKED! I have the card. If you look closely, you can see the sleeve and neck lines on her shirt.
    b. Sabrina's Gaze - Some people think that Sabrina's hand is flipping you off. SHE HAS HER ENTIRE HAND UP! She is not flipping you off! At least Hasbro changed the image and made the card, but I still think people are being stupid.
    c. Koga's Secret Transformation Magic- IT IS NOT A SWASTIKA!  IT IS A MANJII! A GOOD LUCK CHARM! Even the Japanese were intimidated by Hasbro to change the image.
Okay. Thanks people, you listened to me rant.
Hopefully this will get posted and people will see the evils of Hasbro.
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