Why Wizards shouldn’t ban cards

First off, I’m not saying Wizards have said they are going to ban cards or that banning cards is an idea, I’m saying that cards shouldn’t be banned.

Cards that are created, are created to be played with, not banned. First you ban one good card that is helping people to win games, and then another card starts winning games. And so, why not ban that one too. After a few years MAGIKARPS are becoming the best card because the only cards left are energy and karps! And then what! Energy decks. Puhhhlease. What’s the fun in that! Nothing! Absolutely nothing. Zip. Zero. Zilch.

Banning cards is NOT the solution. I repeat, NOT the solution. Players just need to become smarter, and figure out a way to beat the decks that are constantly winning. I mean in a war, are really good weapons banned because they are too good? NO! People just find a way to get around them. They get smarter. They get better weapons. They basically evolve! (Pun not intended.)

If Wizards (or the creators) are smart enough to create this card game, they should be smart enough to test the cards a number of times before they put them in to the worldwide playing arena, so then they know that a card is too good, and they may have to ban it. Picture a kid who saves up for 6 months just to by a Charizard (Just an example) and then the week after next is going to play in a tournament. The week before the tournament, Wizards come out and ban Charizards from play, because they are too good (Get a life!). The kid stops buying the card game as he is sick and tired of saving up to make a great deck that could win him tournaments and goes and plays Digimon (Yuk!).

Well they’ve lost a customer for Wizards and a customer for Nintendo in one banning.

What will they loose next time they ban something?


Next time: 15 trainers ruling and 1 trainer per turn ruling…
