ok Dark Charizard is my fav cards so i am going to give all u people a
strategy for him ^_^

Dark Charizard
Reatreat Cost=3 energys
Moves=Nail Flick,Takes away 10 hp and u need one energy to perform this
move.Continues FireBall,Takes away 50 HP and needs 2 fire energys to
perform but u have to flip amount of coins equal to his energys attached
to him....er it is done discard the amount of energys = to number of
heads u flipped

Now what i like to do his keep him out of play until i have 3 energys
attached to him and atleats 3 other fire energys on my bench and some
potions  here is why

1) u only need 3 energys on charizard in order to faint ANY kind of
pokemon,all u have to do is flip 3 heads and it will faint any pokemon
2) u have to keep some fire energys on your bench because if u do flip 3
heads you will have to discard all 3 of them,now then one by one put an
energy on charizard until you have 3 on him then repeat the process
3)i said before to have some potions BECASUE if u flip 3 heads and
discard them all your opponent will attack u and use a move on you,when
so on ur next turn while putting an energy on Dark Charizard use a
potion to take away the damage done to him in  your opponents last turn.
(i would prefer super potions)

Strategy By Mike
e-mail is Raven928@webtv.net