There seems to be a quite a stir in the world of Pokemon, caused by its
master,Wizards of the Coast. The two propisitions in question are the 15
trainer limit and the 2 trainers played per turn. If these become a Pokelaw,
the game will lose steam and many advanced players. If Wizards wanted to
help their business, they would ban the Haymaker and Wiggly all together.
But they don't care. This was pointed at younger kids anyway, not adults or
teens. In Japan they took this game pretty seriously, but in the US, Wizards
would rather have all the little kids with their rainbow Charizard decks to
not feel bad when they lost to a Haymaker; that they wouldn't know the
difference with the Dark Vileplume and all that helpless brainless kid
crappola. But it's more than a game for little kids. All of you players out
there, haven't you made a friend  while playing in tourneys? Why don't we go
against Wizards. If I knew their address that someone actually responded to,
I would be writing to them, not you, but since I don't, all the experienced
tournament winners are counting on you. Tell Wizards of the Coast how you
feel!!!! And they won't stop making the cards all together if you revolt,
they aren't that stupid.
Thank you for your time.Pikachewie out.
Agree?Disagree(like I care)?E-mail at

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