Okay, first off I'd like to say that I'm not bashing anyone, I'm just stating
what I feel about the Pokemon TCG

Now I've really wanted to say this, so I will. Yes, Scyther is a good (maybe
even a great) card, but he doesn't need to be in every deck. In fact, I think
it's sad if you think so. (no offence meant to anyone)

My Haymakers
Jigglypuff- I have yet to hear anyone say a thing about it. I mean 60 hp, and
20 dp for CC, FOR A PUFFBALL LIKE THAT????? Come on that ain't bad for a
basic pokemon

Geodude- I know that his attack might do no damage, but if you actually flip
a heads enough times, he CAN (not will) kill a Charizard. Even though
Charizard resist fighting. Yea, I know the posibility is verrrrrrrrrry slim
that that would happen

Rattata (base)- Sort of. Damage wise, yes 20 dp fo C (better than
Jigglypuff.). Hp? NO WAY! No matter what, 30 hp sucks!

Staryu (base) - Definetly. 40 hp isnt that good, or that bad, plus 20 damage
for W rules!

Nidoran Male- 40 hp is good/bad... 30 damage for G (that rocks.)

(note: I tried not to include already established haymakers)

Bad Cards
Here is a top ten list of what I think are the worst cards.

10) Diglett (base)- I may just be saying this because I hate Digletts (which
I do), but they just dont make a good card...

9) Koffing (base)-9) Koffing (base)- Come on, your kidding, right? two
energys (grass) two just do TEN damage?! When will the madness end??

8) Drowzee (base)- Pound isnt that bad of an atack, but confuse ray is...
Hey, he's just like a psycic koffing, except that you might confuse the def.
Pokemon. BIG WHOOP!

7) Lapras (?!)- I know what your thinking, you think that I'm an idiot for
saying this, but I'm staying with that. His atacks:
Water Gun- (for one water energy) "Does 10 damage plus 10 more damage for
each WE attached to Lapras but not used to pay for the atack. You cannot add
more than 20 damage this way.
Confuse ray- ... its the usual so I'M NOT LISTING IT!

6) Moltres- I know you think i'm picking the flaws out of the best pokemon
out there, but I'm not. Yea70 hp is great, and so is 80 ap, but it may not

5) Raichu (fossil)- ONLY 30 DAMAGE FOR FOUR ENERGYS IS A RIP OFF!!!!!!!!
(note: this not including bench damage)

4) Caterpie- Oh wow, I might paralize the def. pokemon. Geez.

3) Abra (base)- no comment...

2) Dratini (rocket)- again, no comment...

(fanfare plays)
And the worst card ever is......!
1) PORYGON!- converson 1 & 2??? Give me a break!

thank you for reading my article,

please tell me what you think: