Hey.  This article is being written for a Gym Trainer that I think will be a
very popular card: Energy Flow.  It allows you to take off as many Energy as
you want  of all your Pokemon and return them to your hand.  Here are a
couple of examples how good this card can be in certain situations:

Someone uses Dark Magneton's Magnetic Lines and puts all your energy on a
Benched Pokemon with 10 HP left.  Simply play Energy Flow and you can save
yourself from losing a lot of energy.

You are playing with Viagra and you need a DCE to attach to Wiggly so you can
attack next turn after your Scyther is KO'ed.  Play Energy Flow to get the
Energy off your Scyther and attach a DCE to Wiggly.  Now you can even attack
with Wiggly this turn!

Now, I know this card isn't good in EVERY deck, but no card is (except for
Computer Search and Item Finder, IMHO).  Energy Flow can allow you to play
less Energy in your deck and can even rtrieva DCE (note it doesn't say BASIC
energy cards).  It can save yourself from energy loss due to a knocked out
Pokemon and make room for needed Trainers and Pokemon if you figure out how
much energy exactly the card can save.

I am honestly going to test my Gym-improved Wiggly deck with two of these and
two Prohibition Gyms. 

Oh, I know this isn't the place, but I want to thank WotC for releasing Gym
Heroes a couple days early!!

Send comments and decks to shaun2k@mail.com