Name- Hanni
Nickname- Kazer

Okay, this article revolves around Item Finder, the
best and only (that I can think of off hand) diversity
trainer. This card should be in all decks, as should
Oak and NGR, except Stall, ect. This card has a
discard of 2 cards but it can extra your chances of
cards for starters, and for those who look closey, use
it for diversity, allowing you to use it to get any
trainer in your deck, instead of just one choice,
allowing which ever trainer you need at a certain
time, and can save a game.

Now, some may say the computer search is better and
might be in early game, but not late, most of the good
cards are in the discard pile. Besides, these to cards
need to be used in conjuction, to get a trainer card
and then put it into the discard after use, and reuse

Now, think about this (these) cards mixed with oak,
which can create a cycle of card drawing, tearing
through your deck. This article centers around item
finder, but it is a card needed in conjuction. Since
it has a discard, like the cards above, NGR can get
back teh discarded cards. Discard 2 energy or pokemon,
then use NGR to get them back to the deck.

Item Finder can also get back disruptives, which can
make a potential 8 of a certain card, making the decdk
hit harder with disruption. Item Finder can also reuse
pokemon breeders, an important card to raindnace or
other stage 2 decks. If you have 5 or more satge 2's
(3 toise, 3 dk. toise maybe), you can add some to
reuse breeder, instead use stage 1's.

That pretty much concludes this article. The main
point is that these 4 cards are perfect for just about
any deck. I did not add bill because it only gets 2
cards, nut to important, just helpful at anytime. I
don't have any bill's in my deck because it is already
fast and their are 4 oak and 3 finder. Please people
don't bash me because of what I just said, it is only
an opinion and I did not bash it. This is Kazer,
signing out.

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