Hi there, this is Fallyn_angel with my second submission-assuming this thing
gets through.  You've gotta excuse me.  I'm VERY delusional and my card
strategy/combo MIGHT NOT work at all(But then again it MIGHT just work-it's
crazy/stupid enough to).

      Okay here's the combo it involves 2 cards.  One of them's from Gym
Heros(alot of cards from that set is just waiting to be broken in-so get
moving!).  The one from Gym Hero is Trash Exchange.  I may not have the
exact text memorize but this should be close enough.  I had the pull out
from Topdeck-then I lent it to someone yesterday.  Probably wasn't very
smart of me to do that.

      Trash Exchange
      Count the number of cards in your discard pile then shuffle your
discard pile into your deck.  Discard the number of cards perviously in your
discard pile from the top of your deck.

      What this card REALLY does is: takes card from your discard and deck
then exchange them randomly with cards from your deck.  At the end you
discard cards from your deck until it's the same size.  What you have at the
end is a deck size that's equal to the original but your deck may now
contain cards that you've discard like Bills, Oak, GOWs, DCEs, ect.  Sounds
good doesn't it?  Return cards like those from discard to deck with only one
card from hand and appropriate cards from deck.  There's just one problem:
you can't control it.  So it's EXTREMELY luck based, what I discarded my
last GOW from my deck for a fire energy?
      It's extremely luck base, but most of the game is too.  Coin flip,
drawing randomized cards from deck ect. . .  But there is a way to cut down
on the odds.  Since the release of Team Rocket I've been playing with the
card Nightly Garbage Run.

       Nightly Garbage Run
       Trainer-Team Rocket Expansion-Uncommon
       Choose up to 3 basic Pokémon cards, Evolutions cards, and/or       
basic Energy cards from y9our discard pile.  Show them to your       
opponent and shuffle them into your deck.

       And I've notice one thing-while my discard is fill with Trainers my
deck is filled up with energy and Pokemon.  Some of you already caught the
combo idea haven't you?  Drop multiple NGR throughout the game to put cards
back into your deck(increasing the deck size) then drop Trash Exchange.  IF
your discard is now full of things you can't get with NGR and your deck is
fill to the brim with Pokemon and Energies(Grammer/Spelling?) then there's a
huge chance you'll get something worth playing back into your deck.
       I know the article is getting long and I thank you for staying with
me this long.  But here's an example; I'm playing my deck with 30
trainers(example only!-but I usually do use 30 trainers), and it's mid game.
  I've been dropping NGR throughout the game so my discard is pretty much
void of Pokemon/energy.  There's 20 trainers in my discard and a total of 10
cards between hand and prizes.  Assume that the tainer/pokemon/energy ratio
of these cards are in agreement with my deck ratio.  So there's 5 trainers
and 5 energy/pokemon in there somewhere.  And I've got 10 energy/pokemon in
play(if I don't then I've lost haven't I?).  So that would mean my deck of
20 will consist of 15 pokemon/energy and 5 trainers.  I've topdeck/got a
Trash Exchange in my hand.  I play it and shuffle my discard back into deck.
There's now 25 trainers and 15 energy/Pokemon in my deck(the ratio has
change now 'cause I've got cards in play).  Then I discard half my deck.  So
roughly I've got 12 trainers and 8 energy/Pokemon left in my deck.  The
trainer mix is higher now and that's what I'm really after(trainers win
games after all).  After you ditch cards from your deck.  Check your
discard, if you KNOW that there was 3 oaks in your discard before and now
there's only 1, your know where the other two are.
       So why would I do this?  There's 2 reason.  1) I can access/reuse
trainers/DCE that I usually have a problem getting (itemfinder is the
optimum choice) and 2) I might get lucky and draw into an infinity deck size
       Infinity deck size?  Where?  Okay, think of it like this; IF when you
play Garbage exchange and you manage to get a few NGR and at least 1 Garbage
Exchange back into your deck you can pull the combo again.  With NGR in the
deck you can keep replenishing your deck size and Trash Exchange gives you
the CHANCE to trade those Energy/Pokemon from your deck for trainers in your
discard(possibly more NGR and/or Trash Exchange).  Assuming nobodies
Wildfire you to death.  And you're lucky.

                                          Thank you for your time

Think I'm right?  Wrong?  A genius?  An idiot?  Out of my
    Let me know at Fallyn_angel52@hotmail.com
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