Saturday Afternoon- August something, 2000- in Cerulian city

     *BOOM* a Fireball Hits The Ground and creates a scorching tornado of smoke.  Everybody panicks and run for cover as the tornado destroys all buildings in it's path.
    Unknowing of what's going on, Bo Vu, with his hand over his girlfriend Misty, walks out of a Japanese restaurant--
    "Mr. Mime, I choose you" says Bo.  "Build an invincible wall right now" he continued.
    The tornado collides against the invincible wall at an amazingly fast speed... It makes a crack but Mr. Mime quickly repair it.  After a few more minutes the tornado bounce away.
    And as Misty cried on Bo's shoulder, watching her city get destroyed, the two knew that they had to somehow find a way to stop this new phenomenon... or be gusted away just like the rest...
     so the war begins: stop Gym Series  or become a victem of it... now that Bo Vu has bought himself sometime, can he prepare a team that can withstand the wraths of Gym? can he save himself and his beautiful girlfriend?...  tune in next episode to see... <don't you hate it when they do that?>

    Okay so what Bo and Misty needs to prepare for is obviously Gym Expansion, something very new, very nasty, and VERY fast
    Among the many different decks that can be created- the most dangerous ones will be the "Insane" ones.  Here's how it is- the Insane decks are designed to kill opponents in the first few turns EVERY SINGLE GAME.  This is going to be VERY possible with the addition of very insane cards capable of very insane combos.  HEre are some of the combos
    Misty's Combo:  Misty and Misty's rage  combined with the old drawing cards <and possibly some of the new> can cut through the whole deck on the first turn- and that means possible plus 120 damage: 4 Misty and 4 Plus power- that means it can kill Chansey
   Blaine's Combo:  Blaine's Gamble and Blaine's Magmar particularly runs through decks like it's actually burning
  Empty Handed Combo:  Rocket's trap, tickling machine, secret Mission, combined with here comes rocket and lass will make your hand disappear in a blink
  Empty Bench Combo:  Blaine's Growlithe- have the whirlwind effect using only one energy- Brock's Mankey have the Gust of Wind effect using only one energy
  and these cards can pop out at ANY time in turbo decks with not only the old Bills, oaks, but with good manners, Sabrina's Gaze, and the extremely insane Misty <look at top 7 and take 2, discard the rest>.  and the crazy thing is that all these speed cards can be used together. 4 bill 4 oak 4 Misty 4 Sabrina's Gaze... there's even more chancey cards like Blaine's gamble and Blaine's last resort can also be used
  Poupori Combo: same as Empty bench combo but these decks go for knock out by weakness on first turn while abusing their card drawing ability
  so you thought Insane Wiggly was insane- these decks don't even have to wait until second turn to wave goodbye- here's what it's gonna be like first turn...
  bill bill Misty's wrath Misty's wrath, Secret Mission, Computer Search for Oak, Oak, bill, Sabrina's Gaze, Misty's wrath... by now the deck is down to 2 cards and all the plus power and Misty's trainer cards have been used- a lowly Misty's goldeen with 7 trainer cards next to it KO a Chansey for the win.

  so how will Bo Vu defend against such rage?  One thing he HAS to do is to ALWAYS start out with MORE THAN ONE basic- and that means MORE basics in his deck- also, Bo's chances of surviving against those Empty handed decks are very slim due to the brokeness of team rocket's trap- he must have quick card drawing ability and he must have the card they call Here comes team rocket to save his bum bum.
   so as Bo remodel his army<deck> he's realizing although it may be a bit slower than before -due to more Pokemons- it has a much higher chance of surving against INSANE decks- which strives for early kills.  But what else might the new phenomenon of Gym  have in store for Bo Vu and his girlfriend Misty besides insane decks?  Tune in next time to find out.

  **Bo hugs Misty and comfort her as Mr. Mime continues to build their fortification with the help of Scyther, Hitmonlee, and Wigglytuff.  The screen zooms out and it shows Misty and Bo in the middle of the city- all destroyed and turned to ash.**
                                     to be continued....

  comments welcomed at
  ** and please don't ask me how I got together with Misty, it's a long story**