hey Pojo

My name is Ricky, and I am new here... be gentle!!!!
My newest deck may not include many trainers, but it gets the pokemon I need
out quickly, and effeciently... so here it is

Dark Hay Fever Deck

4 TR Oddish's                    
2 Dark Gloom
2 Dark Vileplume
4 TR Dratinis
3 Dark Draginair
2 Draginair
2 Dark Dragonite
1 Dragonite
4 Fossil Slowpokes
2 Dark Slowbros
2 Slowbros
2 Scythers
3 Dittos
3 Professor Oaks
3 Bills
2 Double Colorless Energies
10 Psychic Energies
10 Grass Energies

Weakness- Dont know yet, havent played it, probly haymakers, Muk and

Strengths- Decks that rely heavily on trainers, Raindance, Haymakers, Ect...
also decks with little energy

I just created, and will try it this weekend. It depends on D Vileplumes Hay
Fever, stating no trainer cards can be plaid, which is why i only have 7
trainers to help find Vileplume, I included D Draginair and D Slowbro to find
cards needed to evolve to Vileplume ASAP, after Vile is out, find D
Dragonite, and bring out the army of Dittos and Scythers. To add to the mix I
have thrown in Base Draginair, for his hyperbeam attack, and Dragonite for
his Pokemon power, Step In. Slowbro to swap some damage, and gust's to get
those annoying Muks and Aerodactyls outa the way. It seems to me that too
many decks are TOO reliant on Trainer cards, take this aspect away, and "THEY
GOT NOTHIN'!!!" No way to get energies outta the deck or discard, no Oaks or
Bills \, and for those annoying raindance decks, (I should know, I play a
variatoin Dark Raindance as well) get those Squirtles (sorry fella) gusted
out and knocked off before they evolve, and for the trainers who depend
solely on Breeders, oopsw, cant use that. Basically D Vile is a bench warmer,
but the most important one. Getting him out early is a deffinite advantage.