I was browsing the Gym Heroes spoilers when I noticed an interesting card. 
Here are the stats:

Misty's Tentacool
Level 12
40 HP
(1) Mysterious Light - Flip a coin.  If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now
(1W) Jellyfish Pod - Search your deck for any number of Pokémon named
Tentacool, Tentacruel, Misty's Tentacool, or Misty's Tentacruel.  Show these
cards to your opponent, then put them into your hand.  Shuffle your deck
Weakness - Lightning
Resistance - None
Retreat - 0

At first this card looks like another useless rare that's good only for
trading, but a closer look at the second attack gives it some value.  The
ability to get any number of Pokémon is amazing.  Imagine this card in a
Wigglytuff deck.  The idea would be to have Wiggly be your only evolution,
and have Tentacools and Misty's Tentacools along with some Haymaker Pokémon. 
Of course, there are some disadvantages.  I'll put them in numerical order:

1) At 40 HP it's screaming, "Gust of Wind me!"
2) Tentacool and Misty's Tentacruel are awful fighters.  If you don't get a
Jigglypuff or one of a few Haymaker Pokémon thrown in for reinforcement,
you're in deep trouble.

Somehow I doubt this will ever be a staple in Wigglytuff decks.  The HP and
bad first attack make Wigglytuff decks need to get out a Wiggly even faster
than usual.  Even so, it would be an interesting experiment for a few daring
Wiggly players.  I, for one, will be trying it.


E-mail me at smartypantskf@aol.com. All comments and suggestions are welcome.
 As this is my first article, I would love some CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. 
Please don't send any hate mail.  If you disagree, please explain calmly and
sensibly.  Who knows, I might see the error of my ways!