First off, let's look at these cards:

Computer Search: You discard two other cards in your hand in order to look
through your deck for any card and put it in your hand.  Then you shuffle
your deck.

Nightly Garbage Run: You get to take any combination of 3 of: Basic Pokemon,
Evolution Pokemon, and Basic Energy Cards, and shuffle them back into your

O.K., so here's the combo: First, use Nightly Garbage Run to shuffle 3
Pokemon or Basic Energy Cards from your discard pile right back into your
deck.  Then, use your Computer Search to pull one of those three cards that
you just put back into your deck, into your hand!  Then, you can play it or
save it for when you need it!

Deck Archetypes where this combo will be particularly useful:

-Rain Dance: Oh no, your last Squirtle just got sent back to your discard
pile?  Almost out of cards but need to use your Computer Search to find a Blas
toise?  That's where this combo will come in, and save your butt!

-Stall: Gain a two-card advantage back into your deck, PLUS get that Abra, Ala
kazam, Chansey, or WHATEVER from your discard pile into your hand, where you
really need it.  Of course, Dark Slowbro can do almost the same thing, but a S
tall deck probably isn't running a Dark Slowbro.

-Potpourri: This deck just BEGS for this combo!!!  With Potpurri, if one of
the Pokemon that matches the Energy type that you have right now, or you need
to get an energy type that has been squandered early back into your hand,
this combo will be your true saving grace!!!  Although it doesn't work with Ra
inbow Energy, it's rare use (getting an energy back into your hand at a semi-
heavy cost) along with it's more common one (listed last sentence), will make
Computer Search and Nightly Garbage Run definite candidates for almost any Pot
pourri deck.

Questions?  Comments?  Other uses for my combo that I've over looked?  I
don't know how to add the link, but you can e-mail me at   Wavelength   Until next time, this is Wavelength, signing off.