I am reviewing the new promo, Team Rocket's Meowth. Now we all know Meowth
has had a bad reputation in the card game. Since it always needed 2 energy
cards to do weak attacks. Well I found a new perfect Meowth. Team Rocket's
Meowth Promo #18 is the perfect Meowth. Let's see it's stats:

Basic Pokemon: Now why would you want to evolve this Meowth into Persian when
all the Persian cards are weak?

HP: 40 (Hmm it still need's to improve it's HP but that's ok)

Attack: Miraculous Comback

Energy Requirement: 1 colorless energy

Description of Attack: Flip a number of coins equal to the total of Pokemon
in play. This attack does 10 damage times the number of heads. Then, Team
Rocket's Meowth does 10 damage time the number of tails to itself.

I love this Pokemon's attack. It's a perfect way to get back at those
Wigglytuff decks cause you count your Pokemon and your opponents Pokemon that
are in play.

Combo: 2 Defender + Team Rocket's Meowth (So you can prevent 40 damage done
to Meowth), 1 Digger + 1 Defender + Team Rocket's Meowth (May do extra damage
to oponent with Digger, if it fails block it with Defender)

And we needed another Colorless Pokemon to ignore damage from Mr. Mime. Only
problem Meowth has is going against Hitmonchan. I suggest staying away from
haymakers with this Meowth. I say use the Meowth against Psy decks. This card
is Promo #18. If you wish to contact me, my e-mail is at SSJTrunks234@aol.com.