OK Here's  the scoop!  You Have a Brock's Ninetales up as your active
pokèmon... His pokèmon power allows him to change into any basic or evolution
card from your hand... You would then attach Brock's Protection to your
active pokèmon (which would be Brock's Ninetales)If any of you guys don't
know what Brock's Protection I'll tell you, when you use this card you must
attach it to one of your active pokèmon that has Brock's name in it, this
card prevents the use of removing energies... Then you use his power to
change him into a base set charizard.. If u could, put a Venusaur on your
bench you could then use his energy trans and attach two grass energy to
charizard.. And since you have Brock's Protection on him you can use
charizard's fire spin and not worry about losing the 2 fire energies!!!   If
u can pull off this strategy it would be killer!!

That's All For Now!