Hey Pojo readers!  F355jim here.  It's my first time posting a single card
strategy (and I do hope it gets posted) here, and I've found a combo that I
think is worthy enough to post.  I am going to tell you how to defeat those
incredible Damage Swap/Chansey Stall decks.

First, understand that this can work with Base or Fossil Haunter, and can
work with Dragonair or Dark Dragonair...it all relies on the type of
Pokémon, Ghost and Dragon.

Second, understand that Ghost Pokémon are different from Psychic Pokémon,
and Dragon Pokémon are different from Colorless Pokémon.  Anyway, here are
their stats:

Haunter (Base)

Type: Psychic
HP: 60
P  Hypnosis - The Defending Pokémon is now Asleep.
PP  Dream Eater - 50 - You can't use this attack unless the Defending
Pokémon is Asleep.
Weakness: None
Resistance: Fighting
Retreat: 1

Note that Haunter is a good Pokémon, automatically putting the Defending
Pokémon to sleep for 1 P, and doing 50 damage for just 2 P!

Haunter (Fossil)

Type Psychic
HP: 50
Pokémon Power: Transparency - Whenever an attack does anything to Haunter,
flip a coin.  If heads, prevent all effects of that attack, inluding damage,
done to Haunter.  This Pokémon Power stops working while Haunter is Asleep,
Confused, or Paralyzed.
PC  Nightmare - 10 - The defending Pokémon is now Asleep.
Weakness: None
Resistance: Fighting
Retreat: None

By now, you will have noticed that Haunter from Fossil, in its own way, is
just as good, if not better, than Base Haunter (free retreat!).  Anyway,
here's how these Pokémon are special.  Take a look at a regular Psychic
Pokémon to find the difference.


Type: Psychic
HP: 80
Weakness: Psychic
Resistance: None
Retreat: 3

Regular Psychics have weakness to both types of Psychic Pokémon, Regular and
Ghost.  Ghost Psychics have no weakness (not to mention resistance to
Fighting).  Therefore, in order to attack the weakness of a strong Psychic
Pokémon such as Alakazam, use strong Ghost Pokémon such as Haunter.

By now, you're probably asking, "That's nice, but what about Dragonair?" Ask
no more--this is his cue.

Another good way to hurt strong Psychic Pokémon is to find a strong
Colorless Pokémon with resistance to Psychic Pokémon.  Dragons are
perfect--Colorless Pokémon without the weakness to Fighting.  In fact, they
have NO weakness.


Type: Colorless
HP: 80
CCC  Slam - 30x - Flip 2 coins.  This attack does 30 damage times the number
of heads.
CCCC  Hyper Beam - 20 - If the Defending Pokémon has any Energy cards
attached to it, choose 1 of them and discard it.
Weakness: None
Resistance: Psychic
Retreat: 2

Now this is a powerful Pokémon.  60 damage with 2 coin flips, and I love
Hyper Beam, an Energy Removal that does 20 damage.

To sum it all up, these two cards were made for each other.  If you combine
these in a deck, those Damage Swaps will be begging for mercy. If you
haven't figured it out already, Fighting is pretty weak to this deck too!

Agree?  Disagree?  Email me: f355jim@excite.com

Deck tips:
1) Add Dragonite to have a Fighting Resistant deck, too!  Include Dark
Dragonair, and you can search for Dark Dragonite!
2) Add Base Porygon (yes, Base Porygon), to make other types of Pokémon weak
to Psychic.