Hello I was browsing your site and was suprised to notice that you failed to mention anything about the "gym style" way of playing TCG. It is very popular where i live and in the places where people live who i have traded with. if you did not know then ill explain: Gym style is a way of playing that makes the game more like a real pokemon battle (like the video game and tv show) no energy cards are used, you can use any attack you want each turn and retreat pokemon for free trainer cards are sometimes used but only potions or cards that would heal your pokemon you can you start of with six pokemon no evolution cards required just six pokemon ex. charizard blastoise arcanine mr mime kangaskhan gyarados you keep 5 of them in your hand and flip a coin to see who chooses their active pokemon first then you do attacks and yadda yadda yadda othere than that the rules are pretty much the same as in the book (order of turn, weakness resistance, applying damage ect.) please e-mail me back with any questions