This is on of the first strategies i'm writing, therefore dis article may really suck. So here goes nothing. Since raindance and haymaker have been invented. many people have started using them. I was looking at these decks one day on the Pojo. Almost all the Raindance pokemon's weakness are lighting (except the Poliwrath family). Most Haymaker uses Electabuzz which have a weakness of fighting. So I have found a deck that would defeat most Raindance and Haymaker. Using the combination of lighting and fighting pokemon in a deck would control a game VS. Raindance or Haymaker. Some haymaker i found uses hitmonchan, scyther, or pinsir. In that case you can change the fighting pokemon to psychic or fire pokemon instead. The Pros to use fire pokemon is that if the opponent uses Raindance and you send out a fire pkmn is that he can change your pkmn to a lighting pkmn can KO him/her So the deck that would defeat raindance and haymaker is a lighting (must) and fighting, psychic, or fire (anyone of these three is good) deck with also some colorless pkmn for resistence to fighting or psychic. Also add lots of good trainer that protects you from these decks. The good ones to put down is: Vs. Haymaker E.R. S.E.R. GOW Bill (must) Lass ( to make the opponent discard the Plus Power and GOW) Vs. raindance E.R (could use to waste all the water energy) S.E.R. (same thing as E.R.) GOW ( to kill Blastoise so no more Raindance) Imposter Oak. (When they are powering warturtle use it to get rid of a blastoise if it is in their hand) The other trainers could have many different combination. Signing off, Jeff