to pojo, today i read some strategies from your site hoping to some valuble info. i read some of the most ridiculous things. someone said that hitmonchan and scyther suk cause a kadabra can beat chan and charmeleon can beat scyther. well.. you were comparing them to their weakness!!! is someone going to make a deck hoping that everyone he plays is going to be weak to them. i also saw that someone thinks charlizard and zapdos are "the best". zapdos can kill my scyther if he wants. go ahead discard 4 energys. and charzard can kill my rattata. say good bye to 2 energys charlizard. people think the game is about dealing out the highest damage. it is about having a well rounded pokemon and not being afraid of any type at all. this is ojoe37 saying "keep and open mind and stay calm."