Hey Pojo fans I know I'm not a Pokemon card game Master. But something always bothers me about Pokemon CCG. When the Basic set came out it was cool and stairdgies where made. Then came the Jungle whitch made every body think BAsic stuiped then in the near future there is Fossil whitch will make new stairidgys and talents. But doesn't anybody care about Basic I do. My deck is all Basic and I'm not a Master so I'm still improving. But the Basic is the best I like Jungle but some of the Basics are the best like the HayMaker and RainDance. and all the others. Now that this is sauid I would like to show you my Fossil. THE FOSSIL all of the old acient pokemon wil evolve from the Fossil Making new staitigys. To end this i would like to thank all of the deck meckanicks and people that Make the Pojo. Well see ya Matt at Lufta123.aol.@com