Deck Building 101, by Pokeman OK, these days, everyone has a theory on deck building. Put these cards in, take these cards out, don't use this, use that, etc. I'm not here to tell you that. I am a frequenter of a couple of card outfits. One day I come in and they are short an unsanctioned judge. Manager knows me, so he asks me to help. Couple of days later, he calls me and asks me to do it again. Seeing over 60 daecks of good and bad types teaches a lot. So here are some tips: 1. Unless you pack colorless out the wahzoo, don't play one color. Run into a deck with Pokemon you are weak to or, worse, resistant to your type, and you're instantly fried. 2. Never play more than 3 colors, and 3 is stretching it. You will never get the energy you need. 3. Never, ever, ever play all colorless decks. 4. When figuring card ratios, figure this: If you have less than 6 cretures than toss energy (Charizard, Gastly, etc.), you can include 23-25. If you have more than 6, bring 26-28 and Energy Retrievals. When mixing energy, never put a 3:4 to 1:4 ratio of colors ( i.e. 15 Psy to 5 Elec). 5. Include more than 20 Pokemon but less than 30. You need Trainers as well, so leave some space. 6. When adding Trainers, use useful ones. Playing a deck that loses energy fast? Include Energy Retrievals, Bills, and Professor Oaks. Playing a fast kill deck? Throw in energy Removal, Pokedex, Bill, and Potion (not Super Potions; those lose energy). When playing: Psychic: Include Potions and Super Potions and PluPowers. Mix with Fighting or Fire for damage potential. Water: Not my favorite. Mix with Fighting or Fire, as before. Throw in Energy Retrievals and Gust of Winds. Fire: Strongest group. Mix with Fighting or Electric for fast, small Pokemon while you build up others. Energy Retrievals, energy Removals, Bills, and Poke Balls are the way. Grass: Take advantage of Poisons, Paralyzations, Sleeps, and Confusions. These are the power of Grass. Mix with Fire or Fighting for damage, or Psychic for damage shifting and more Sleeps. Include Super Potions and Pokemon Breeders for maximum potential. Fighting: A good choice for beginners. Mix with a color with strong evolvers for a deadly combo. Use Potions and Fulls Heals and Pokemon Centers. Electric: The smallest group. Mix with strong evolvers. Not the strongest of groups. Use Super Potions and Potions and Full Heals and Pokemon Centers. Mangetons are highly destructive, however. Colorless: Never play a deck filled with these. Mix with anything. Colorless critters are extremely versatile. I hope you have found this instructive. If you with to contact me, call Pokeman at Thanks for reading.