I'm yapping today about the cards that should be in each deck, MANDATORY!!!. This means that these cards should always be on the list of making a new deck, not unless they interfere with the strategy or you are just refining a deck. Here they go in no specific order: 4 BILL - MANDATORY Name: Bill Type: Trainer Card #: card 91 of 102 Rarity: Common Text: Draw 2 cards. I've heard a few bad comments about these cards but none with any real argument. These cards are excellent! Use one when you need something better than you have. Use 'em when you are low on energy, Pokémon, or anything else. 1 OR MORE PROF. OAK - MANDATORY Name: Professor Oak Type: Trainer Card #: card 88 of 102 Rarity: Uncommon Text: Discard your hand, then draw 7 cards. Drawing 7 new cards is nothing to stick your nose up at. Many people point out the fact that you have to discard your hand. But hey! If you need some more cards then you have very few, none, or crappy cards in your hand already! 2 OR MORE FARFETCH'D - MANDATORY I know many people disagree with Farfetches, but really they are very good! But lets compare the stats: Name: Farfetch'd Type: Basic Pokemon Card #: card 27 of 102 Rarity: Uncommon Color: Colorless HP: 50 HP Weakness: L Resistance: F -30 Retreat: 1 Species: Wild Duck Level: 20 Pokemon #: 83 Attack: [1] Leek Slap (30) Flip coin. If tails, this attack does nothing. Either way, you can't use this attack again as long as Farfetch'd stays in play (even after benching Farfetch'd). Attack: [3] Pot Smash (30) And don't think Scyther is any replacement either. Don't get me wrong, from Scyther's stats he seems quite nice, I would use a couple in a Green deck, since that is his color and would be used to his best abilities (Swords Dance particularly). 2 OR MORE ENERGY REMOVALS - MANDATORY Name: Energy Removal Type: Trainer Card #: card 92 of 102 Rarity: Common Text: Choose 1 Energy card attached to 1 of your opponent's Pokemon and discard it. These cards are in every decent to good deck. The ability to remove energy, the basis of attacks itself, only 1 Pokémon can cause it with none, the essence of life itself... Well maybe not that but it IS in every deck. Well, I've seen a few in my day that had none but thats not a real deck. 1 NO MORE THAN 2 CHANSEY - MANDATORY Name: Chansey Type: Basic Pokemon Card #: card 3 of 102 Rarity: Rare - Holo Color: Colorless HP: 120 HP Weakness: F Resistance: P -30 Retreat: 1 Species: Egg Level: 55 Pokemon #: 113 Attack: [2] Scrunch () Flip coin. If heads, prevent all damage done to Chansey during your opponent's next turn. (Any other effects of attacks still happen.) Attack: [4] Double-edge (80) Chansey does 80 damage to itself. I've talked and preached and went on and on about this card and I don't wanna to talk no more 'bout him ! ! ! And last but not least: 1 OR MORE GUST OF WIND - MANDATORY Name: Gust of Wind Type: Trainer Card #: card 93 of 102 Rarity: Common Text: Choose 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokemon and switch it with his/her Active Pokemon. This is one of my favorite cards. With this, you have the ability to take your opponent's active Pokémon and switch it with whatever poor creature they have on their bench. And Pidgey is far from any substitute. With whirlwind, you can't choose what gets to come out. So you'd be pretty messed uf if you winded you opponents Blastoise and he brought back a pumped up Gyarados! This card can do many things. It can stall for up to 3 or 4 turns, and possibly more considering your opponents energies. Also you can gust out a weak, pidley Rattata and get a prize with one 30 damage attack! And you can just screw up your opponent! Bring out his/her Blastoise, put it to sleep, confuse, or paralyze and say goodbye to their Raindance deck!! OoOoOoOoOoOoO Jeremy Woods _-_-_-_-_-_-_ jsw321@hotmail.com Ľ ˝ Ľ ˝ Ľ ˝ Ľ ˝ _______________________________________________________________ Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit http://www.msn.com