Hi Pojo. I sent you an article about Golem and his abilities, but I have looked a little more and have seen that Fossil will be an extremely powerful expansion set. I know that Jungle just came out, and it is great. I am quite satisfied with Jungle, but I feel that people must know what they can expect in the future. In Fossil, there will be new cards such as Aerodactyl, Grimer, Muk, Gengar, Articuno, Moltres, Weezing, and so much more. There are even new versions of some older Pokemon just like in Jungle. There will be new versions of Magmar, Zapdos, Magneton, Raichu, Gastly, and Hanuter. This means that you might actually be able to use a Gastly or Haunter without worrying about needing lucky coin flips. Plus, the Magneton that will be included in Fossil has an attack that can do 100 damage. I cannot read Japanese, but I suspect it might be like Zapdos's attack where you have to discard all your energy (let's hope not). Plus, I know there will be at least 3 new trainers. One is called "Fossil." It is sort of like Clefairy Doll except you use it in order to bring out fossil pokemon like Omanyte, Kabuto, and Aerodactyl. Another trainer I know of is called "Dice." This card makes you discard your hand, and then flip a coin. If heads, you draw 8 cards form your deck. If tails, you only draw 1 card. This card has potential to be as quick as Prof. Oak if you can get a good flip. The last trainer I've seen is somehting like "Claw." I don't know what it does, but it has a picture of a claw (from one of those games where you try to grab a prize) picking up a Jigglypuff, so maybe it let's you do somehting with your opponent's Pokemon or something. Plus, if WotC is nice to us, they might put Mew in. Mew was in the Japanese Fossil set, but since he wasn't easily accessed in the American game, who knows. Let's just hope. With all the new Pokemon that will be in Fossil, I have strong beliefs that it will enable people to build much better decks with much greater abilities. I can't wait till this Fall when Fossil does come out. I will be one of the first in line to buy. Thanks for reading, and if you have any questions, you can e-mail me at the address below. -Marcus Nuetzi ixlilixl@aol.com