Now that I've explained all the Jungle cards I'm betting you're wondering which ones I think are best. Well here it is the top 10 of the all-mighty Jungle expansion. Some people may disagree with me and that's fine just try to keep an open mind. Here goes... 10TH PLACE-KANGHASKHAN; The ability to fetch and to possibly do 80 damage is awesome! One of my favorite uses for the card is to replace a couple Bills with him. He's alot like Bill and he can do damage! 9TH PLACE-RHYDON; This card is really sweet, as it can mess up the opponent's bench severly! He also can do a flat out 30 damage if you like. He's great teamed up with Potions and Defenders! 8TH PLACE-EXEGGUTOR; The potetial of this card is unlimited! It can take out two Charizards in two turns (which is very unlikely but he still has the potential)! He's also great with Venusaur as he can use teleport to switch for free with another pokemon then just trans the energy away. 7TH PLACE-PINSIR; This card is up there with the best! For 2 grass he does 20 damage plus he can possibly paralyze the opponent. His next attack is even better it does 50 for 2 grass and 2 colorless. He's a great all around pokemon. 6TH PLACE-WIGGLYTUFF; Think about this for awhile, how can you say now to a 3 colorless attack that does 60 damage? Wiggly would be un-stopable if you didn't have to bench pokemon to do more damage! 5TH PLACE-VILEPLUME; Vile has the potential to do more damage then Charizard for less! Who can say no to that? Well there is a downside Vileplume is then confused but not to worry you can always just wisk the damage away with Heal. 4TH PLACE-PIDGEOT; Another great bench messer-upper, Hurricane will force the opponent to Switch pokemon and the active pokemon and all his cards go back to the opponent's hand! 3RD PLACE-CLEFABLE; Clefable certainly is powerful with a one Colorless Metronome with no downsides. He can copy energy burning attacks like Charizard's and Zapdos's for ONE ENERGY!!!! 2ND PLACE-SCYTHER; I'm sure you all remember Farfetch'd's reighn and how good he was. If you replace him with Scyther he's even better! With Slash you are almost Gaurunteed at least one prize card, at least! 1ST PLACE-MR. MIME; There's no denying that if Mr. Mime is taken out at the right times he's almost un-stoppable! You can also make quick work of the opponent with Meditate! Mr. Mime is one of the best be looking for him! That about wraps up our tour of the Jungle. Thanks everyone for your feedback it's greatly appreciated. If you have any send it to: Thanks alot! -Jared Schroeder >) _______________________________________________________________ Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit