1.charizard- first because it has 120 hp (of course) also you might think its impossible to power up but first turn charmander/1 energy second turn evovles to charmeleon/2 energy third turn become CHARIZARD/three energy (or you can use double colorless) also it can be any kind of energy because of enrgy burn. 2.clefable-first (obviously) it can metronome attack the opponints pokemon attacks (it can take down a charizard) also metronome takes 1 energy! one problem minimize is useless and sux and it only has 70hp and a weakness to one of the strongest types in the game. 3.gyarados-very good pokemon. dragon rage can do fifty and bubblebeam can paralyze you. it has 100hp and good resistance to fighting and a weakness to palnt! (who has a really strong plant pokemon anyway)?big problems are it evovles from a very weak and crappy pokemon and all of the energy on it has to be water. 4.computer search- you might think im a little crazy to put in a trainer but seriously, this card rules! you can take out any! card in your deck. Charizard clefable even gyarados! major downside is you have to discard 2 cards from your hand limiting the use of this card 5.Zapdos-ill put this in or otherwise my electric playing friend and half of the pokemon comunnity will destroy me. good pokemon with two great attacks. thunder which can do 60 damage and thunderjolt. only other move in the game that can do 100 damage. major downsideS. attacks cost way to much and you have to discard all 4 energy to thunderjolt which has to be electric. oh well! 6.(real no,. 5)imposter proffeser oak-ok your opponent just drew a zapdos while he has a gyrados clefable and charizard in his hand and ready to evovle next turn. wht do you do. Imposter proffeser oak him. say bye to those super cards and you probably just saved urself a lot of trouble.major problem. its only tem,porary becaus e the careds arent discardeed they go right back into the deck waiting to be picked again so after using the card u better act fast. this is the first time i have written one of these so if you have a way i can improve email me at dragonaire64@yaho0.com _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com