>Subject: Pokemon Attack Ratings > >Pokemon Attack Ratings > >Ok. Most poeple love to have a Charizard or Zapdos in their decks. Why? >Because they can do 100 damage attacks. I don't even care. Here is a simple >way of how I would rate the use of attacks. > >I always think of how many turns you take to do an attack. Let's use >Charizard for example. His Fire Spin attack needs 4 energy cards, so It takes >4 turns to do the attack. At the end, it does 100 damage. Now here's the part >that shocks ya. We'll use hitmonchan now. Jab does 20 damage with 1 energy >card and Special Punch doing 40, with 3 energy cards. On your first turn with >him, you attach an energy and do Jab, and on the second do the same thing. On >the third turn take one more energy card and do Special Punch. Now the total >damage on your opponent is 80. Take another energy card and attach it to >another pokemon since you don't need it for your forth turn. Finish it off >with one last Special Punch ending your 4 turns with 120 damage! More than >Charizard's! > >I recomend that you use this strategy only at the beginning of the game. Your >opponent might have a ready-to-kill Charizard with 4 energy cards already. >And if other features that affect this process are used, such as resistance, >energy removals, or pokemon powers, do not use it. I hope my article was >useful to you. Bye. > >Miguel >ECHGEE@aol.com >