1. OK, Now I know the statistics say that Farfetch'd shouldn't be so good, but If you have a well built deck that can get a double colorless and a reg. energy on right away at the beginning of the game you can dominate with Farfetch'd. I have a Fighting, Psychic deck that I won a tourney with that has 3 farfetch'd and that was one of the main pokémon that kept me from crashing and burning in some of the worst situations, I won the last game primarily with farfetch'd and with a little help from hitmonchan and Chansey. 2. I collect Japanese cards because you can use them with a translation or a judge that reads Japanese, and anyway I would like to learn Japanese anyway just because it is an exceptionally complicated and challenging language, and I'm planning to take that for my high school language credit. Oh yeah I have a Japanese Mew! And that could be sold on ebay for a couple hundred dollars so there! Ha! Haha! 3. This is the absolute only thing I agree with in this article, that Charizard is not the pokémon savior. Although it is a good idea to make decks powerful enough to take one out. So it could be a good idea to write about it in your articles, NOT just the ones centered on building a Charizard based deck. ¤Jonathan Pharis¤ Fireberd45@aol.com