First off, enough with Farfetch'D J Woods. Yeah, he is one of the best Basic Pokemon, if not the best but enough. You will see Syther is better. And another thing is your saying Charizard stinks, and your calling people who like Charizard, idiots, well your wrong. First off Charizard is the best, just use a pokemon breeder. 2nd your saying Chansey is better then Charizard, huh, LOOK AT HIS DOUBLE-EDGE ATTACk, and you will see your wrong. It does 80 damage to itself. It also does cost the same amount of energy to do as Charizard's fire attack. Then your putting Farfetch'D at the top of all cards, I have one thing to say, your out of your Mind. These are the best cards: 1. Gyarados-Only 3 Water Energy's to do 50 damage. 2. Hitmonchan-Why say anything, look at the guy. 3. Blastoise-Only 3 Energy for 40+ damage. 4. Charizard- It may take a lot of energy, but when you have them, get ready to grab all 6 prizes. 5. Kadabra- Just keep using SuperPsy and when your in trouble use the Recover attack, + the SuperPsy attack alone is very cheap to use. The reason I picked Gyarados as #1 PoKéMoN is because he is a great staller if you use the Bubblebeam attack, he has 100HP, and you can get a gaurunteed Gyarados in the "OVERGROWTH" Theme Deck. Cipriani