I was looking at everyone's lists of their favorite jungle cards, so I decided to post my own: 1: Kangaskhan, a colorless basic with 90 hp, can do up to 20 damage times # of heads out of 4 flips for 4 energy damage, and can draw a card for one energy. 2: Scyther, a leaf basic with 60 hp, no retreat cost, resistance to fighting, and an attack that does 30 damage for three colorless energy, or for one grass energy you can double the damage next turn, great against resistance. 3: Exeggutor, a stage one with 80 hp, for any type of energy, flip a coin once per energy attached to exxegutor, and 20 damage for each head, would be a killer with venusaur, plus can automatically be switched with a benched pokemon for one psychic energy. 4: The Nidoran(F) Evolution: Nidoran(F), a basic with 60 hp, can put a nidoran (F) or a nidoran (M) on your bench for one plant energy, and for two plant energy can flip 3 coins and do 10 damage times each head. Nidoqueen has a move called boyfriends, for one plant and one colorless energy you can do 20 damage plus 20 more for each nidoking on the bench (this move works well in combination with nidoran(F)'s move that can put a nidoran(M) on your bench), or for two plant and two colorless energy you can do 50 damage. 5: Mr. Mime, basic with 40 hp, his power prevents any attack that does 30 damage or more, and like jynx, one of the best basics in the game, he has a move that does damage (10 instead of jynx's 20) plus 10 more damage for each damage counter on the defending pokemon. 6: Pidgeot, a colorless stage two with 80 hp, no retreat cost, and resistance to fighting, that for three colorless energy can do 30 damage, and if this doesn't kill the defending pokemon sends the defending pokemon and all cards attacked to it back to your opponents hand. 7: Pinsir, a basic with 60 hp, can do 20 damage and half chance of paralysis for two plant energy, and can do 50 damage for two plant energy and two colorless energy. 8: Clefable, a stage one colorless with 70 hp, can do metronome (exactly the same as clefairy's) for only one energy, and for two energy it can reduce the effects of next turn attacks by 20. 9: Wigglytuff, a colorless stage one with 80 hp, can put the enemy to sleep for one colorless energy, and for three energy can do ten damage plus ten more for each of your benched pokemon. 10: Eevee and evolutions, eevee is a colorless basic with 50 hp, and for two colorless energy can do quick attack which does either ten or 30 damage. Jolteon, flareon, and vaporeon also have this move, plus one other. Vaporeon has 80 hp, while the other two have 70. Thanks, Greg starsofdallas@hotmail.com