This is more of a top ten so read all. Top 10 in order 1.Hitmonchan-He is very solid. High Hp. Great first attack. Okay second attack. Takes out electric pokemon without a problem and is the centerpoint for the most popular of decks. 2.Proffessor Oak-Very great drawing power. Bill is good and has no draw backs but that 5 card difference could mean the difference of getting that card you need or defeat. 3.Bill-Draw cards with no drawbacks. Helps you snag that card you really need to get back in the game or preserve your lead. 4.Jynx-Very much like Hitmonchan. Weaker first attack but much more pewerful second attack. 5.Energy Removal-Slows them down and ruins their plans 6.Gust of Wind-Great for control 7.Super Energy Removal-2 for 1 is neat. But still that one energy can be important. It may delay you a turn from doing your second attack or retreat,etc. But when you take two of their energy then they'll be pretty... pretty...something. 8.Double Colorless Energy-Surprised(Probably not). Think about many people love Farfecth'd right. If there is no double colorless energy think of what that extra turn could have done. They may have been able to knock out your Farfetch'd, etc. Also Charizard. His Firespin attack is powerful but has a stinky drawback(Discard 2). But with Double Colorless some work this perfection. Even three turns in a row. 9.Farfetch'd- He has resistance to fighting. Yeah thats good. One retreat cost which is okay and good hp. He has a gay first attack and a second attack that is very good with the help of Double Colorless. Plus he sounds cool so when you play him you can say something some some-thing.Courtesy to First Name Last Name. 10.Mewtwo-60 hp which is good for basic. Fine Pyschic attack(not really the greatest but it does it). And Barrier which is useful. I like him because of multiple uses. Honerable Mention- Plus Power-Well timing this could put you back in the game. I like for it way of producing multiple first turn kills. Most Underated card- Lass-It is hard to explain. Now my brother plays two. I draw a nice hand with Hitmonchan. A bill or two. An fighting energy,Oak and some enrgy removal. He goes first. He lays down something and I lay down Hitmonchan. He uses bill then Bill, then something rather then goes lass. He shows me his hand that consists of some energy andPokemon Center(Okay). Then I show him my hand and shuffle in Bills,Oak and energy removal. I have just lost all my strategy and can only hope to topdeck what I want. Whoah I topped deck an Oak. O well. But it still is good. Most Overated Card- Machop- Hitmonchan is like a big version of MAchop. Also there is another. Want to find out what I mean read an article I wrote. Read-Dated 6-15 in the single card ratings called Doduo. Sorry I forgot to give my name so it just says ? where my name should be. It tells how Doduo is better than Machop(Just like Hitmonchan). But I don't hate Machop. In my argument I tell what is good about him as well(So I am never truly one sided). But read it. Chansey vs.Charizard- I will rate several different parts of each of these cards on a scale of one to four. First hp. Both four. Highest in the set. Evolution. Chansey is a basic so it gets four. Stage two is the hardest to get out so he gets one. Retreat cost. Chansey has one which as close as you'll get to zero so give Chansey a three. Charizard a one for having a retreat cost of three. Weakness. Chansey has fighting the most popular type. Gets one. Charizard is weak to water. Some consider water to contain the most powerful deck(Raindance(Some)). He gets a two. Resistance. Charizard gets a one. Chansey has a resistance to Psy- not used as much as other types. Gets a two. Attacks. First attacks. Scrunch- stalls for only two colorless but does not prevent statis effects and only fifty percent chance of working. Give it a two. Charizard- Poke Power-Energy Burn(I think). Allows him to be used in any deck. Give him a four. Second attack. Double edge- two for one deal. BUt totally suicide,sometimes won't even be able to attack first, and can be fatal in some situations. Give it a two. Firspin-plenty of damage but discard two causing you to delay a turn but can be comboed. Give it a three. Color factor- Chansey is colorless. Nothing is weak to it but can go in any deck. Give it two. Charizard is red. Grass is weak to it plus it is packed with the ability to go in any deck via firspin and previous evolutions have colorless attacks. Give it a four. Now I will tally them together. And the score is............Oh wait first of all is there any body who can't agree on my judgement of the certain aspects of these cars. I tryed to do ti as fair as possible... anyway.........................................the score is...... Chansey...20 and Charizard gets......14! Well what do you. I wont say anything . Something something. My very in depth look at these two card tells me Chansey is slightly better. Not super better. If you think my rating is unfair I'm sorry. I myself think Chansey is better but I tried to do this un bias and belive my rating on certain parts of these cards are justified. I hope this will help some people and not discourage others. Any way thats it for my rewards and disputes. I will do other versus later. Including Gyrados versus Dewgong. Venusaur vs. Blastoise. and... Electabuzz vs. Raichu plus others. Always remember though that the two cards I just reveiwed can be used to skill in two very different decks and be used good. Anyway my name is Mike and can Be reached at Mikeyeiter@Hotmail.Com I should be going now. _______________________________________________________________ Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit