Hey guys whats up these are my top ten American Pokemon cards and why I rate them that way. 1. Chansey, she's a wall to any kind of damage.Bad part its only a 50% chance of that wall happening. 2. Haunter, one of my friends put me to sleep with it all the time. Then destroys me. 3. Gyrados, I use it all the time. I use it against my friends Zapdos and I end up killing the Zapdos. I use it against any other card my friend has too. I use it on all of his basic pokemon. I kill everything with Dragon Rage. 4. Hitmonchan, One energy to attack is gggrrrreeeeaaaattttt!!!! 5. Energy/ Super Energy Removal, Cool Card. helps me out when I am about to die. It protects me for at least one or two turns. 6. Magmar, It's a 50 HP basic Pokemon/Charmeleon. 7. Professor Oak, Gain more cards, you get a better chance of getting a good card. 8. Bill, Same as above. 9. Charizard, I hate it thats why its so far back but I got to admit its good. 10.Gust of Wind, Saved my butt in games. If u want to e-mail me about this stuff go ahead. My E-mail is Eamn539@yahoo.com my name is Eugene.