To whom it may concern, here are some cards needed for any deck. (These cards are in no particular order) 1. energy removal/super energy removal-GREAT cards that can help you stall and really mess up your opponent. 2. Gust of Wind-same as above (can help you stall and mess up your opponent) 3. Imposter Professor Oak-hehe this card can seriously screw your opponent. Here's an example. You know he/she's playing with one Charizard. You catch a glimpse of it in their hand. They have a charmeleon out with 3 fires on it. Say good-bye to charizard. 4. Bill-these can really come through in a pinch. 5. Plus power-Those 70hp on hitmonchan can now be beaten in 2 pot smashes by farfetch'd. 6. Farfetch'd-Hail to Tyler enough said 7. Defender-slow down magnemite's self-destruct and defend against the opponent's next attack 8. Double colorless energy-for all those decks playing with farfetch'd Usually you are able to squeeze these cards into a deck. I only mentioned one pokemon and that is farfetch'd because he is colorless. He can operate in any deck. :> Questions or comments, e-mail me at Bye for now, J. Eno