I would like to get the color analysis straight. I know everbody has their favorites but if you're looking at both attacks AND weakness/resisance I personally think that pyscic is the best. This is because they actually have very good attacks and look at their weakness:pyscic. Anyone playing your weakness will also be weak to you. Gastly/haunter are the exceptions. However, check out grass Pokemon! Major status change. Their weakness is sometimes fire, sometimes pyscic. Water Pokemon are also pretty good, but without a raindance deck you'll almost never have enough energies. Their weakness are also OK. Time for fighting. They are very good. Their attacks have low costs and are very good. Weakness is sometimes pyscic sometimes plant. Sometimes a resistance to electric. Fire and electric I think are the outcasts. With fire there is major discarding involved while with electric they always hurt themselves. Comments and questions e-mail them to me at Angeleno@compuserve.com Thnx for listening:> Joey Eno