An easy win deck will consist of 1 squirtle 3 pokemon breeders,1 blastiose 1 bubasaur,1 venasaur,1 chamander 1 charizard and a chansey the rest energies. At the start send out the chansey keep squirtle,bulbasaur and chamnder at your bench. use pokemon breeder on all 3,then use rain dance on blastoise with all the enrgys you have(countiune this if you add a oak to your deck) energy transe all to charizard andenough for chansey to retrat.retreat send out charizard then start blating. you'll probably have enough for 4-5 firespins and after each turn the placment of enrgys you pick up you'll have enough for 7. so even if they have a chansey out you'll get your prizes no matter what. Mike.L