Hi there Pojo. First off I love the site. Now to the point. Okay. I have been reading alot of your killer decks and I have seen some weird stuff. Let me give you some deck building pointers. Okay. 1. When you make a deck use 2 colors. You can have colorless but you don't have to. Three colors doesn't work! You will never draw the right combo of energy and pokemon plus you will not be able to include all the pokemon you want. Just don't even try. It doesn't work! 2. Try to cover your pokemon's weaknesses. If you have fire in your deck put in electric or plant to cover the water. Water is weak to electric/plant so by having them in your deck you have covered fire's weakness. Try this out. 3. I used to think double colorless energy was DA BOMB. It's not! Look at the card. Provides 2 colorless energy. This card can be good but I have seen too many people put this card in a deck that doesn't need it. If you have a deck that is colored with no colorless pokemon in it then this card is usless unless you have a Pokemon that requires 2 colorless energy for one of it's attacks. What is the point otherwise? And DON'T put in to many. 4. Stick to evolutions. If you have Squirtle and Wartortle stick in Blastoise. It doesn't make sense! Why have A basic and stage one with no stage 2. Even if it isn't a good 2nd stage card it is good to do, Let's say you have a charmeleon that is about to die and a Charizard in your hand. The meleon only has 2 energy under it but evolving makes sense. You can keep it alive for another turn or so. You might not use the Charizard but it makes a good stall. ALWAYS put in all the evolution in a 2 stage evolution. There is an exception with 1 stage pokemon and of course pokemon that don't evolve. Bye, email me at RandyFivel@hotmail.com