I am having a lot of fun with building decks, and I'm equipped with three. Parasite: Psychic-Plant, basically really annoying. Flamewave: Fire-Water, Mucho Power deck with 3 holograms and a bunch of rare's in it. Twin Dragons: Deck armed with a strong line of quick-deploying Pokemon with the Twin Dragons, Machamp and Raichu. I'll explain the general strategy of the other two on a later post, but basically the core of Parasite is the 5 most annoying Pokemon. 1) Koffing: a attack that's gonna either confuse of poison your opponent. Plus it has damage.. Erm... Anyway, equipped with the right luck and some knowhow a Koffing can take down of seriousley wear even a high-leveled enemy. One time my Koffing even destroyed both a Gyrados and a Poliwrath. If your looking for some annoying deck strategies, put at least 2 in your deck, or better yet 3!(I don't know about 4, it sounds kinda risky.) 2) Jynx: where should I start? Should I start with the fact that it can attack with just one energy? That it has a whooping 70HP? That it has Meditate, one of the most kick-butt attacks in the galaxy? have at least 2 Jynx's in your annoying deck and they will become valuable assets. Armed with the correct amount of potion, these two Jynx can take out all 6 of your enemy's Pokemon. 3) Abra: Abra. Sounds weak, is not. Basically any Pokemon with a Paralyzing attack that can be armed with one energy is just plain annoying. Although squirtle is doubly annoying with withdraw, I left him out since he doesn't match the deck theme. Plus he has some killer evolutions... 4) Kadabra: you knew this was coming. 60HP, a 50 attack... Not many Pokemon can withstand that kind of Punishment. Plus armed with Recover, a Kadabra is brutaly strong and annoying. Use a quick hit and run strategy, using recover whenever needed. Although slightly exaggerated, I'd like to say that no 1st level Pokemon(Save Jynx and Electrobuzz maybe) can touch Kadabra. 5) Beedrill: The power of beedrill depends solely on the trainers skills. When evolved slowly from a weedle and armed with full energy, beedrill will beat on the enemy like.... Well like a beedrill beating a enemy. First poison, then overpower. continue the cycle and victory is yours. Plus, at 100 HP, it's gonna be a hard job to knock him out. Extra pointers: Put the evolutinon rate at 3:2:1 or 4:2:1 if you can afford it. This is especially true to Beedrill of Kadabra/Alakazam since the first form can be easily knocked out in 1 hit. Sufficient Energy! In a annoying deck, the minimum energy requierment is 25 total. Less than this and the pissing off effect will be significantly lower. Potion, Potion, Potion. Have at least 2 super potion on hand for a major annoyance deck. extra potion allways helps. ER. Energy removal always helps in burning a enemys fuse. throw in at least 2 in your deck. Bill. Ah, Bill. Have 3, 4 bills on hand. You never(well almost never) can have to many of him. Impostor Prof. Oak. If your opponent is suddenly looking way too happy, or is suddenly saying "you are SO dead" throw this in his face. Of course unless your opponent has the poker face of all poker faces. The correct way to evolve. Make sure your little guy has enough enery to attack in his evolved form. A energy-less Pokemon is never annoying! Wait for the other chapters in my exciting deck-theme guides... Hehheh...