Hello, I'm talking about the tricks of the trade when playing a game of Pokémon. These strategies work great in tournys. 1. Worry your opponent by laughing or smiling unusually when you draw a card. When you get the cards you need, get his or her guard down by saying "NO!" or "Aww, man..." when you draw a card. Or whisper to yourself (loud enough for your opponent to, though) "...maybe it's in my prizes?". 2. Never hold your hand spread out in a fan-like fashion. Memorize what cards you have and what you get so you can keep them in your most wanted position, in a single, stack-like manner hiding the backs by one of your hands. Good Bad ________________ __________________________________ |||| | | | | | | |||| | | | | | | |||| | | | | | | |||| | | | | | | |||| | | | | | | |||| | | | | | | |||| | | | | | | |||| | | | | | | ||||____________| |______|______|______|____________| This keeps your opponent from reading YOUR cards. 3. Read your opponents cards by observing the back of them. Many older, worn down Holofoils might show a hint of a glittler. Also older, worn out backings might indicate a rare, second hand card that was traded for a bought. 4. Also read your opponents facial expressions and body language. This can tell how bad of shape they are, or how much trouble you might be in. If they seem uneasy or nervous, it might suggest that they are not getting what they need. Look for leaning over the table, sighing, or fidgiting. If they seem very confident or relaxed, that might suggest that they have everything planned or have what they need to pull there big strategy attack. If this occurs, do something unexpected like bring in another Pokémon or throw in a gust of wind. 5. Try and control your expressions by just plain out acting. Always know what your face and body is doing. Always know how you're sitting and looking. These are the most important aspects of bluffing a foolhardy move.