All right, I was given a list of THESE cards someone sent in to have a deck constructed from them... so, I sat down and tried to make the BEST deck possible... It's not real tourney deck, but if you've got a limited number of cards, you cant do everything here you go. THIS is the list: This is the deck: >>#1 Squirtle(3) 3x Squirtle >>#2 Pikachu(4) 4x Pikachu >>#3 StarYu (3) 1x Raichu >>#4 Starmie (2) 2x Staryu >>#5 Electabuzz(1) 1x Starmie >>#6 Dratini (2) 2x seel >>#7 seel(4) 1x wartortle >>#8 magnemite(3) 1x electibuzz >>#9 Wartortle(2) 2x magickarp >>#10 Raichu (1) >>#11 Magikarp(5) 4x gust of wind 4x potion >>#12 Pokedex(1) 2x switch >>#13 Gust of Wind (4) 2x bills >>#14 Potion(10) 2x oaks >>#15 Switch(5) >>#16 Full Heal (3) 10x electic energy >>#16 Bill (2) 18x blue energy >>#17 Profesor Oak (2) >>#18 Imposter Profesor Oak(2) >>#19 Devolution Spray(2) >>#20 Lass (1) >>#21 Pokemon Breeder(2) >>#22 Maintanence (1) >>#23 Voltorb (2) >> Now as I said, this ain't no BIG AWESOME deck for big competition, but I'm sure it would give some of your friends a run around. I took the best basics and any evolutions you might have with those basics and put together a pretty well tuned deck...For the cards you have to work with. Thanks Tyler